View the remarkable journeys of individuals who have found freedom from addiction through faith in God and L.I.F.E. Ministries. Each story is a testament to the power of God's grace and the impact of our Christ-centered recovery program. Anyone is welcome to join our family as we recover and heal together.
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May 22, 2023
Breaking Chains: A Marine's Journey from Battle to Grace
A testimony by L.I.F.E. member, Marisa. 2024
My sobriety journey has been the hardest battle of my life, filled with pain, setbacks, and moments where I felt completely lost. As a Combat Marine Veteran, I thought I could tackle any challenge—strength and resilience were my trademarks. But overcoming my alcohol addiction showed me that even the toughest Marine can’t win this war alone.
It’s ironic—what I turned to for relief only ended up trapping me further. Drinking was supposed to numb the pain and help me forget, but it only made things worse. The more I drank to escape the pain, the more pain I created, and the cycle spiraled out of control. The very thing I sought for relief became my prison, making me feel even more lost.
I had to face the reality that I needed help, and that’s when God stepped in. I needed Him more than I realized, and He used Life Ministries to guide me through this journey. Their biblically based recovery program became the lifeline I didn’t know I was searching for. Through their counseling and weekly meetings, I found not just support but a deeper connection with God that has been crucial for my recovery.
Letting go of control wasn’t easy—I’m a Marine, after all! I’m used to leading the charge, not sitting back and letting someone else take point. Handing over the reins felt like trying to pry a rifle out of my hands. But I had to swallow my pride and accept that this was one battle I couldn’t fight solo. It was like letting someone else drive the Humvee—I don’t even let people touch the wheel!
I had to trust that God had a plan, even when I couldn’t see the road ahead. With the help of Life Ministries, I’ve learned to lean on Him and let His strength carry me through the toughest moments. Sometimes, the hardest thing for a Marine is letting someone else take the lead—especially when that someone is God.
This time, it feels different—like I’m finally on the right path. It’s been raw and challenging, but there’s also been a profound sense of grace I never expected. Life Ministries has shown me that real change comes from fully trusting God, not from just gutting it out on my own.
I’m not just fighting to stay sober; I’m learning to live in a way that honors the person God created me to be. My story is one of brokenness and healing, but also of hope. Grace isn’t something I have to earn like a medal—it’s a gift given to me, even in my darkest moments.
I may be strong and resilient, but it’s God’s grace that has carried me this far. I’m trusting Him to take me the rest of the way, and I’m profoundly grateful for everything He’s done—not just in my life, but through Life Ministries. It’s been one heck of a journey, and I’m thankful to be on it.
Dear Addiction,
For as long as I can remember, you have been a part of my life, even as a small child, you made your presence known. But the Lord knew me when I was in my mother’s womb.
You’ve taken my family from me, not once, but twice. Once as a small child, and now as an adult. But the Lord gave me a new family. I am a child of the King and He calls me His own.
You took all the good feelings I once knew as a child, like happiness, and joy, and left me with hopelessness and despair. Eventually, you even took those bad feelings and left me with nothing; just numb. But the Lord restored my happiness, and my hope is in God and God alone.
You’ve taken my self-esteem. How can I feel pretty with such a nasty and ugly disease? But the Lord told me I was beautiful and I’m made in His image.
You took my faith in God. How can I believe in anything unless it makes me feel the way you make me feel? But God never left me, and by His Amazing Grace, my faith has been restored.
You’ve taken my sanity and left me with the craziness going on inside my head. But God took that craziness and gave me a sound mind.
You took my dreams I had as a child and left them shattered on the ground. But my God says, surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. (Proverbs 23:18)
You took my freedom and left me in the chains of bondage, but thanks to God above I know the chain breaker. He holds the key.
You’ve taken my strength to fight, why bother when I know you’re going to win every time. I was defeated. But the word says: “For everyone who has been born of God, overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.” (1 John 5:4)
You’ve introduced me to so many people, and since we stick close to our own kind, other addicts, you took those same people. But there is one you can’t take, “For I know my redeemer lives, and at the last He will stand upon the Earth.” (Job 19:25)
Every day is a battle, but there is a whole war to fight, and with the Lord by my side, you don’t stand a chance. He is the way, the truth, and the light that guides me and gives me hope, love and joy. You will no longer defeat me. I loved you for far too long. Now my heart is set on Jesus and loving others. His grace and mercy have set me on the path of righteousness. I am free and no longer need you in my life. So goodbye!
~Crystal Starnes